Finding the Gold Within Ourselves

Finding the gold within ourselves and those around us is a mission that drives Simon Moritz. This passion inspired his journey as a coach, speaker, and mentor, leading him to found, a consultancy dedicated to empowering individuals and teams. Simon’s expertise stems from 18 years of seasoned experience with Ericsson, where he navigated the spectrum of AI, ML, partnering, sales, and product development. Simon’s professional trajectory has blossomed into a quest to inspire others to tap into their hidden potential and unleash their inner gold.

Simon’s mantra resonates with John C. Maxwell’s leadership philosophy, which emphasizes the cornerstones of servant-based leadership. Beyond his corporate experience, Simon has extended his wings into the realm of angel investing, accompanying his wife on their shared adventure. This multifaceted background has culminated in Simon’s deep-seated conviction that true leadership entails not only charting the course but also personally embodying the path and illuminating the way for others.

Inspired by the notion that we all possess hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed, Simon’s latest endeavor is the captivating book He firmly believes that everyone has a unique contribution to make, and his mission is to facilitate the discovery of these untapped resources. Driven by a relentless pursuit of the serendipitous moments that can transform lives, Simon constantly seeks opportunities to foster meaningful connections.

Whether through his consultancy, his book, or the serendipitous encounters he actively seeks, Simon Moritz stands as a beacon of empowerment, guiding us to unearth the gold within ourselves, our teams, and our communities. His dedication to facilitating growth and transformation is a testament to his unwavering belief in the limitless potential that resides within us all.

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